

I settori culturale e creativo sono tra i più colpiti dalla pandemia. La COVID-19 e le sue conseguenze correlate, come le chiusure, hanno influenzato negativamente le persone che lavorano in queste industrie.

Le persone che lavorano nei settori culturali e creativi (compresi gli artisti, gli interpreti e coloro che forniscono una serie di mestieri) hanno affrontato una riduzione del reddito e persino la disoccupazione.

Il progetto HeART migliorerà le competenze e le abilità degli artisti e degli individui che lavorano nei settori culturali e creativi e garantirà la loro inclusione nel mercato del lavoro e nella società in generale.

Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, il progetto si concentrerà sulle seguenti capacità:
1. Imprenditorialità, occupabilità e competenze di amministrazione aziendale (definizione degli obiettivi, impostazione del business, networking, comunicazione, collaborazione, negoziazione).
2. Capacità psicologiche (punti di forza del carattere, empowerment, gestione dello stress, regolazione delle emozioni).
3. Capacità mediatiche (competenze digitali, marketing, promozione sui social media, pubblicità e vendita).


Gli obiettivi specifici di HeART sono:
a) Costruire le competenze dei giovani nelle aree dell'imprenditorialità e delle competenze digitali.
b) Responsabilizzare i giovani e migliorare le loro capacità psicologiche e il loro benessere.
c) Sostenere la messa in rete di tutti nell'UE tra i paesi partner e oltre.
d) Fornire informazioni utili e indicazioni agli operatori giovanili, formatori, mentori e altri, per sostenere meglio i giovani artisti.
e) Combattere la disoccupazione nel settore creativo - dotare i giovani di abilità e competenze necessarie per entrare nel mercato del lavoro artistico e sostenere un reddito stabile.


Per raggiungere gli scopi e gli obiettivi, HeART svilupperà i seguenti risultati:

1. Manuale per giovani artisti
2. Programma di formazione per giovani artisti

  • Imprenditorialità artistica e capacità di impiego (gestione finanziaria, definizione degli obiettivi, creatività)
  • Competenze digitali (marketing digitale, comunicazione digitale, negoziazione)
  • Capacità psicologiche (punti di forza, empowerment, regolazione delle emozioni, fiducia in se stessi, motivazione)

3. Corso di formazione per formatori (per Youth Workers, Art Managers, insegnanti, educatori, mentori, consulenti di orientamento e di carriera)
4. Moduli online e risorse educative aperte


  • The University of Gloucestershire is a diverse, vibrant community of 12,000 students and 1,500 staff. The university is based across three campuses in Cheltenham and Gloucester. Organised over eight academic Schools – Media, Business, Computing & Engineering, Natural & Social Sciences, Health & Social Care, Sport & Exercise, Education & Humanities and Arts. 

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  • CARDET (Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology) an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus. It is one of the leading research and development centres in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in education and VET, youth support, adult learning, literacies, digital tools, eLearning, educational technology, and social integration of marginalized groups and seniors.

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  • KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, situated in Athens, is a non-profit organization with more than 40 years of experience in supporting vulnerable groups. Alongside with direct provision of Social services (mental health, trafficking, bullying, employment/poverty) our expertise pertains to design and implementation of impactful and innovative social initiatives in the areas of Education, Human Rights, Employment, Care & Wellbeing, Sports and to Scientific research and development of know-how in social policy issues, aiming at building resilient communities with equal opportunities for all. Our vision is a world that rests on integrity, sustainable growth and individual well-being.

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  • The Rural Hub is an Irish association founded in 2012 that provides specific training programmes in order to support and aid members of disadvantaged communities. Alongside this, they specialise in education, e-learning, media production, development, research, and strategic planning. The Rural Hub aims to support greater community involvement and enhance social inclusion by focusing on growing isolated communities. By working on national and EU funded projects, this association has supported local youth groups, migrant communities, senior adults, and individuals who have been absent from education to re-engage with service providers and mainstream education. They work with these groups, using creative approaches and the testing of digital media resources to support greater social cohesion among local communities in County Cavan. They have a developed network of county-wide stakeholders who support their work on a thematic basis. Through their community-based office, they deliver informal adult and youth education programmes through their Social Mornings and Educational Afternoons programmes; and through their ‘youth into digital media’ programmes they run in their Digital Media Zone (DMZ) in Virginia, Cavan. The Rural Hub delivers a range of diverse programmes to support the next generation of creative individuals to build and sustain successful careers.

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  • The Institute of Development was established in 2003. Its vision is to contribute to the improvement of the society’s quality of life and work experiences, boost the creativity, resilience, wellbeing, engagement and overall performance of individuals and organizations. In order to achieve its vision, offers a wide range of services such as research, consulting and trainings as well as services for the effective management of HR, ranging from strategic HR planning, career guidance and general support. IoD has participated in a variety of EU projects that include applications of positive psychology, character education, creativity, arts, soft skills and employability skills development to support different target groups such as youth, primary and high school students, parents, teachers, low skilled adults, unemployed and workers.

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  • CDPZ is an Italian consultancy and training firm, focused on SMEs, family business and leadership topics. The founder, Paolo Zaramella, is a CMC – Certified Management Consultant, with 23 years of experience.

    Questo progetto è stato finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea nell'ambito del programma Erasmus+. L'autore è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione e la Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull'uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute. [Numero progetto: 2020-1-UK01-KA227-YOU-094512] Privacy Policy