
17 This activity is suitable for artists from different disciplines. Engaging with journaling aims to help you to reflect on your career so far, your aspirations for the future, and help you to get a sense of what you need to do to progress your career further. Each day do a simple three lines of journaling- Write what you are grateful for in that day in relation to your career. 1) 2) 3) Answering the questions below can also be helpful in helping you write. Answer them in a notebook regularly and then come back to them again every few days or weeks to see how your answers have changed. Use your reflections to help you think about what you should carry on doing and where you might need to make changes and how. Time needed: 10 minutes per entry Task: To create reflective journal Reflective Journaling Difficulty: Easy 1. Who are you? 2. What do you do? 3. What experience have you got? 4. Who is involved? 5. Who do you do it for? 6. How do you do it? 7. What makes you unique? 8. How is your approach/service/product different? 9. How do you add value? 10. Where do you get your creative inspiration from? 11. Why do you do it? 12. What motivates you? 13. How do you define success? 14. What have been your biggest successes to date? 15. What is important to you – in terms of career development and personal values? 16. What is most important to you and why? 17. What do you want from your audience? 18. What do you want them to do? 19. List some of your biggest challenges to date? 20. How did you overcome them? 21. What are your current challenges or things that you are putting up with at the moment? 22. What are you career goals over the next few years?