
45 OBJECTIVES: Being able to identify what are the factors that increase your inner need to being driven in a task, job, behaviour INSTRUCTIONS: Time needed: 15-30 minutes Task: Find your Motivation Find your Motivation Difficulty: Moderate Write are 5 things that motivate you in your work which does not include extrinsic motivations (such as salary, benefits, contracts, etc). a. …. b. …. c. …. d. …. e. … What sort of tasks are you best at? In what sort of environments (busy, deadline-driven, loud, quiet, etc..) do you work the best? a. …. b. …. c. …. d. …. What are the 3 things that you enjoy doing most in your work? Think about your current life and your wider interests. What do they have in common? a. …. b. …. c. …. Put some of your Intrinsic Motivations in your work on the pyramid and describe your answer. a. …. b. …. c. …. d. …. What have you enjoyed while working at your part-time jobs or internships? a. …. b. …. c. …. d. …. e. … 1 4 2 5 3