4 WHAT IS IT TO BE AN ARTS ENTERPRISE To sustain our arts practices, we need to create income whether it be through making and selling objects, producing scripts or song lyrics, attracting fees for productions (exhibitions and performances), or consultancy and workshops to develop others. All of these things are forms of enterprise. Enterprise for artists is being actively engaged in producing and selling on the basis of your practice, being part of a dynamic, diverse and open society. It is the way artists from all disciplines are rewarded for their contributions to society. Our practice and enterprise support each other in their success. As successful artists we have to have excellent practice and entrepreneurial skills. We need to develop our skills for practice and enterprise in order to support our success. This section will introduce key skills and help you build your practice as artists and sustaining yourself through enterprise. SKILLS FOR SUSTAINABLE PRACTICE Proactivity - the initiative, hard work and passion required to make things happen in society and the workplace. Enterprise - the mindset that takes measured risks, perceives and creates opportunities, and the resourcefulness to pursue these opportunities in an ethical and sustainable way. Agility - the ability to embrace rapid change and retain an open mind. Communication – the ability to present your work and ideas, to inspire others, and respond to feedback. Connectivity - the ability to collaborate with others, create networks and develop and contribute to communities of practice. Storytelling - the ability to demonstrate your unique abilities and experiences to others in an engaging manner Curiosity - the enthusiasm to seek out new perspectives, to create and build on existing knowledge. Self-Efficacy - confidence in your abilities, and the ability to respond positively in various situations. Resilience – the willingness to adapt and remain motivated, overcome obstacles, and deal with ambiguity, uncertainty and rejection. ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS